24 serial Click on image to search In aceasta drama, actiunea fiecarui sezon are loc in termen de 24 de ore. Jack Bauer este liderul unei echipe de eliti ai agentiei CIA, care descopera un complot de asasinare asupra unui candidat la presedentie, David Palmer. Intre timp, casatoria tensionata a lui Jack si sotiei sale, Teri, este impinsa la un pas de destramare datorata disparitiei fiicei lor adolescente. Oare ce alte evenimente vor avea loc in aceste 24 de ore? Fiecare zi (sezon) are o actiune diferita.
Seriale Online Bune Gratis Subtitrate in Romana Calitate HD Vezi Cele mai noi Seriale Online Gratis Subtitrate in Romana. Home; Toate Serialele. Cel din urma se vede nevoit sa faca tot posibilul sa supravietuiasca in cele mai nebunesti 24 de ore din viata lui. In ultimii doi ani, agentul de paza de liceu Ben (Hart) a tot incercat sa-i.
Quotes: Why don't you just say what's on your mind? You don't want me here.: Mrs. Palmer, I.: No, you don't want me here!
So let's just quit playing games?: How dare you speak to me like this? I was appointed by the President of the United States of America because of my qualifications in foreign policy and crisis management, and I don't know what kind of credentials you have that make you think you can lecture me. You don't want to play games? I don't like you.
And I don't like you being here. This show definitely has re-written the book on intelligent and credible suspense on TV. Extremely well acted, written and directed. Truly gripping, heart-stopping suspense from one hour to the next. The show is so well done that you can easily forgive the very few plot devices that seem a little weak.
When a show gets 99% of everything right, it's very hard to quibble. The pot of gold lar familiaris characters. Keifer Sutherland has never been better as the flawed hero. '24' deserves to be a model on which all future TV suspense thrillers can be compared to.