Hello, Cannot seem to post a new topic so I hope some are still monitoring this old post. I recently acquired a beautiful Aria Pro II FA-70, looks to be a spot on copy of a Gibson L5?
Download lagu elvy sukaesih. Sunburst, dual humbuckers, solid back and top, nice set neck (3-piece, no scarf joint) There is no country of manufactuing on the guitar, PO indicated it was a late 1980s, early 90's date. Serial number is S020512265. I have been to the commonly referenced serial dating page for Arias with no firm answer. My best guess is that it is a Samick/Korea produced model. Hum rahe ya na rahe kal audio song download songs free. Sounds and looks amazing, has a perfect hardshell case.
I wanna price it so I don't ask too much for it but in my mind it rivals $1000+ hollowbodies I have played/heard. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
*1976 Serial numbers 220 were also used. Begins using one set of serial numbers for guitars & mandolins.