Bosch MTS 5200 Comprehensive Electrical & Mechanical Analysis The MTS 5200 is the single solution to all your engine - and electrical - analysis needs. It is a very powerful 4-channel oscilloscope with independent A/D converters per channel for superb signal resolution and a separate high accuracy DMM input. Now you can have the power of the “big box” analyzers in one portable hand-held tool! The MTS 5200 operates as a stand alone diagnostic platform. Using the many different features of the MTS 5200, you have the capability of displaying and storing any number of signals available on an automobile.
The MTS 5200 is the single solution to all your engine analysis needs. Now you can have the power of the 'big box' analyzers in one portable hand-held tool. Product Home Contact/Sales Distributors/Reps Datasheet Manual Company Catalog Share Save Saved.
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