Set in 2039-2040, This series is set in Megalo City, a city built over the ruins of Tokyo. Boomers, a line of android workers created by the Genom Corporation, perform dozens of tasks, from cleaning to management, to heavy industry. However, a strange series of events has caused a great deal of these boomers to go rogue, despite government and corporation cover-ups to the contrary. The AD Police, a special anti-Boomer task-force, performs it's best to stop the maniacal machines. However, always a step ahead of them are the mysterious vigilantes known only to the public as the Knight Sabers. No one is sure who these warriors are, but a young office lady named Lina Yamazaki is intent on finding out and joining them. Funny enough, I really thought this was the original Bubblegum series but of course, a big dummy that I am, this anime is actually a spin off from the original haha!

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Episode 26 English Dub; Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Episode 25 English Dub; Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Episode 24 English Dub. Plot Summary: After a mysterious earthquake levels Tokyo, Genom becomes a powerful influence providing their artificial organic lifeforms called Boomers to.


I was glad to see reviews on here that this is a lot better then the original so glad I didn't miss much in that case. Anyways, I absolutely thought this series was very good to watch, it started out slow at first but then the scene where Lina chases after Priss, thats when you know that good s*it is waiting! I seriously never heard of a mecca anime series thats ever had all female superheroes so this was quite a nice change to check out what its like and boy, it was damn good! I really liked Priss, Lina and Nene. I think Nene is funny when she calls of the cops Leon 'Leon Poo' to piss him off.

Its a shame actually those 2 or even Priss & Lina didn't all become couples. I'm always shipping whenever I see good anime, this is just in case you think I'm not that obvious (I actually am) lol. Aerosoft f-16 fighting falcon serial numbers.

Gta vc 988mb download. I'm glad to have seen this anime, liked the pumping music, the characters, the English Dub actors, its storyline and the animation overall. 110% recommended if you like your mecca!