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SFC Michael Vandersloot (989) 344-6208 Applicable regulations: CG Reg 210-50, NGR 210-50, NGR/AR 37-109,DA PAM 710-2-1• Camp Grayling Training and Housing requests must be submitted thru Range Operations, Bldg 545 (989-344-6156) • Housing requests must be input in Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS) at 90 days prior to training event. • CG Form 2-43R, Camp Grayling Facility Request Form, must be completed prior to training event (FY16 Only). • A valid DA 1687 with an Assumption of Command letter is needed specifically for requesting and receiving Troop Issue Buildings from the MTC Housing Management Office. • Requests must be received at least 90 days prior to training period; include PAX numbers, issue and turn in times, and all facilities needed. • Building issue and turn in times are during normal business hours. • Senior Headquarters conducting Annual Training has priority.
• Customers must abide by all laws, rules, policies & regs pertaining to the use and operation of troop issue buildings. CHARGEABLE QUARTERS (BLDG 4): 0745-1630 Fax: (989) 344-6206 CTQ Manager Ms. Jamie Fletcher (989) 344-6213 Applicable regulations: CG Reg 210-50, NGR 210-50• CTQ’s reserved by credit card, 24 hour cancellation requirement or first scheduled day will be charged. • Check in 1500 hours, check out 1100 hours. • Villas require 50% down payment. Military personnel can reserve up to 1 year out of date for 7 day reservations (2 day or more reservations only within 30 days of date).
Students will receive refresher training in the application of motor vehicle inspection procedures using DD Form 626 (Motor Vehicle Inspection – Transporting Hazardous Material), as well as Navy transportation safety requirements and the security of sensitive conventional arms, ammunition, and explosives. Sep 13, 2015 - A DD form 626 is a military pre-trip inspection form for vehicles carrying hazardous materials. JetDoc 3 years ago.
Retirees can reserve 6 months out (2 day or more reservations only within 30 days or less of date). • CTQs (excluding Villas) are not designed for family use. TROOP ISSUE SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITY (TISA) (BLDG 560): M-F 0800-1500 Class I Supply Management Fax: (989) 344-6206 OIC: WO1 Kuehne, Aaron (989) 344-6203 Applicable regulations: AR 30-22, DA PAM 30-22, ATTP 4-41, CG Reg 30-1, TB Med 530, DA PAM 710-2-1• Non MIARNG require a MIPR and funding coordination with TISA & USPFO for Michigan 120 days prior to training event. • Accounts must be established 60 days prior to request—request the External SOP for Non-MIARNG units. • A valid DA 1687 with an Assumption of Command letter is needed specifically for requesting and receiving Class I supplies.
• Annual training units must complete the initial DA From 5913-R NLT 90 days prior to scheduled training. • DA Form 5913-R follow up request for Annual training will be submitted NLT 20 days prior to start date with any changes. Subsequent requests submitted every 3 days there after the start of AT. • Pick up times must be scheduled and adhered to. JANITORIAL SUPPLY WAREHOUSE (BLDG 560) M-F 0800-1500 Class II Janitorials (Paper plates, plastic ware, trash bags) Fax (989) 344-6206.