There are lots of books written on investing/trading. But no one has the time to read them all. So I narrowed down the list to best 10 (+30 others). You can find the list and download link below. It took some time for me, to compile this list, then download them from different file hosting sites, torrents etc.

The Intelligent Investor 10 torrent download locations The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham[mobi] Other E-books 2 days The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham[mobi] Books 1 day The Intelligent Investor Other 2 months The Intelligent Investor Books 5 months.


And to re-upload them to mediafire for your convenience. I’m posting it here for the sake of new comers, so they can cut their valuable time wasted on finding these books. But I think it will be useful for both beginners and experts of this forum to further enhance their knowledge.

Top 10 (Must Read): 1. One up on wall street by Peter Lynch 2.

Rich dad Poor Dad by Robert T. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Gaham (Recommended by Warren Buffet) 4.

Renault ddt2000 diagnostic tool (k+can). As a DIY-er, I would choose Renault without doubt.


Beating the street by Peter Lynch 5. The essays of Warren Buffet:Lessons for corporate America by Warren Buffet, Lawrence A.

Cunninghan 6. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher* 7. The warren buffet way 8. A Random Walk Down the Wall Street: Completely Revised and Updated Edition by Burton G Malkied 9.

Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading by Alexander Elder 10. The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio by William Bernstein Others: 11. The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham and Spene B. Meredith* 12. The new Buffettology 13.

Warren Buffet Portfolio 14. Buffet: The making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein* 15. How I made $2,000,000 in The Stock Marekt by Nicolas Darvas 16. The Motley Fool: Uk Investment Workbook by David Berger* 17. John Neff on Investing by Johan Neff* 18. Expectations investing by Alfred Rapport, Michael J. Manboussin* 19.

Contrarian Investment Stragies: The Psychological Edge by David Dreman* 20. Winning the Losers Game: Timeless Stragies for Sucessful Investing by Charles D. Ellis, John Brennan 21. Taming the Lion: 100 Secret Stragies for Investing by Richard Farleigh 22.

How to Make money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition by William J. Lessons From The Greatest Stock Traders of All Time by John Boik 24. Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How to Correct Them: Lessons For The New Science of Behavioral Economics by Gary Belsky 25. Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traderd by Jack D. Financial Times Guide To Selecting Shares That Perform 10 Ways to Beat the Market (The FT Guides) by Richard Koch, Leo Gough* 27. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason 28.

Interpreting Company Reports by Geoffrey Holmes, Alan Sugdan, Paul Gee* 29. The Secret Code of The Superior Investor by James Glassmen* 30. Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition by Benjamin Graham* *No Download links found! Please post if you find!

Please buy the books if you like them, as an honor to the authors! Download link. I’m by no mean an expert! I compiled this list by going through expert comments of this forum and by searching through the web. To be honest I haven’t finished reading any of these books yet! (Just started).

Dear experts and experienced members!Please suggest a logical/practical order to read these books. And please do recommend if there are any good books missing here on the list. I will make sure to add them to the list for the benefit of the everyone.