Book Description This is the Rough Cut version of the printed book. Need to learn C? Forget old-fashioned C programming books that assume you're a computer hardware expert and teach frustrating, old-fashioned coding styles. If you know any language at all, Zed A.
Pointers and Arrays — Learn C the hard way. Ask Question. Up vote 1 down vote favorite. Hope that helps, and good luck learning C! Make sure you take the time to really understand the equality of arrays and pointers; it will make a lot of stuff a lot harder later on if you don't.
Shaw's Learn C the Hard Way can help you get started fast with modern C programming. This book/CD package is called 'The Hard Way,' but it's really quite easy: it just requires discipline, practice, and persistence.
Shaw teaches how to write modern, clean, clear C code through dozens of brilliantly-crafted exercises, most on two pages. You simply read each exercise, type in its sample code precisely (no copy-and-paste!), and make the programs run. As you read, type, fix your mistakes, and watch the results, you learn how C works what good modern C programs look like how to read, write, and 'see' code how to spot crucial differences that change or break programs all the essentials of C logic, I/O, variables, and functions and the attention to detail that is indispensable to successful C programming.
At first, yes, it can be difficult. But it gets easier. And Shaw offers plenty of extra help through 5+ full hours of CD-based teaching video. Nothing important comes without discipline, practice, and persistence. But, with this package, if you bring those qualities, you will master C and you will reap the very real personal and career rewards that go with C programming expertise!