Obtaining a liquor license in NJ requires a lawyer who is an expert in the highly specified area of NJ liquor law and experienced dealing with the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control.Purchasing, expanding or selling a liquor license is a nuanced process, but the right liquor license attorneys in New Jersey can make the process straightforward and seamless. Villani & DeLuca will represent you if you are in the process of obtaining, selling or expanding a store or restaurant with a liquor license, looking to obtain a job in the liquor industry or have questions about your current liquor license in the State of New Jersey – contact a liquor license attorney from Villani & DeLuca today. Hire an Attorney with Experience in ABC Law The process of obtaining a liquor license from the state of NJ can be frustrating, and violation of ABC laws are serious offenses, which is why a lawyer who is well-versed in ABC law can make a big difference. New Jersey liquor law is complicated and requires both private and state-run businesses to obtain a license through the same governing body. Villani & DeLuca has been handling ABC law in New Jersey for years. Our goal is to expedite the process for our clients so that there is less waiting around and you can get your business operating and making money as soon as possible.


Delays in issuing a liquor license can greatly harm your ability to do business and create revenue, and the New Jersey liquor license lawyers at Villani & DeLuca will help you avoid this holdup. The Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Licensing Bureau oversees the application and renewal of all NJ state and retail liquor licenses, including bars, night clubs, restaurants, breweries, wineries and distributing facilities. These types of licenses are split into three different classes: Class C – Class C liquor licenses are designated for the retail portion of the alcoholic beverage industry. If you are the owner of a restaurant or diner, a Class C liquor license applies to you. This liquor license also includes: • Club Licenses • Plenary Retail Consumption License with Broad Package Privilege • Plenary Retail Consumption License • Seasonal Retail Consumption License • Hotel/Motel License • Plenary Retail Consumption License (theater exception) • Limited Retail Distribution License (no longer being issued, only renewed or transferred) • Plenary Retail Distribution License Class A – Manufacturers within the State of New Jersey must obtain a liquor license with the Class A distinction. Manufacturers include: • Plenary Brewery • Limited Brewery • Plenary Winery • Farm Winery • Plenary Distillery • Limited Distillery • Supplementary Limited Distillery • Rectifier and Blender • Bonded Warehouse Bottling Class B – An alcoholic beverage distributor that sells exclusively to retail businesses must also obtain a liquor license in accordance with the state under the Class B designation. Project