Invoices are important for keeping track of what you're owed by your clients, so it's important to include all of the right information for proper bookkeeping. Simple Invoice Template lives up to its name by offering you an easy-to-use, customizable, and professional invoice template to present to your clients. The Excel-based template has a very straightforward interface, with labeled cells for entering your company's logo, data, invoice number, customer ID, and purchase order number as well as bill to and ship to information. There's a description section for entering your services and a place to enter the amount owed for each service, which is already formatted to dollar currency. Totals are reflected at the bottom of the spreadsheet, where you can adjust the tax rates accordingly. We were able to very easily add a logo as well as our business information to the spreadsheet. We entered our services and costs, and our totals were automatically added together with subtotal and tax rate info included.
A notes section leaves you room to add any additional information that your client needs to know. The template features a drop-down menu for changing the invoice color (blue, red, green, or no color) and a second tab offers the same template, but in landscape format. A help file specific to the template is not included, but it's really not necessary.
Feb 17, 2018 - GracefulLukas48 22:47:39 Tremendous program. Also you can download free software and apps for PC (Windows 7,8,10,XP,Vista) and Mac. Evidenta facturilor Cu aceasta aplicatie puteti sa tineti evidenta tuturor.
Simple Invoice Template comes as a ZIP file and is accessible after extraction. It's a simple but professional template that we recommend. This professionally looking, simple to customize (and free) Excel Invoice Template is a great solution for almost any business that requires a simple and yet reliable invoicing system in place.
Simple throughout design, with option of 2 different formats that can optionally change the colour by selecting an appropriate from the drop down menu (which probably is the most advanced feature) this invoice will only require a minimum of customization to match your corporate style. X unblocked games. Originally designed for a construction firm, this invoice can be used for charges that include physical products as well as task and hourly based labour charges, which makes it ideal for ideal for service providers and freelancers who charge for both labor and physical materials or goods. You can update this spreadsheet with your company logo, name and address to create a printable invoice that you will use, unless of course if you need a simple blank invoice in which case you can clear the cells that you would be using to complete by hand. If you need more information about using this template or how to manage your invoices you can visit official authors page by following the link within the spreadsheet.
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Optional, integrari personalizate cu Navision, Socrate Cloud ERP, SAP, WinMentor, Saga, altele. - Aplicatie de rapoarte pe mobil Sedona Eye (rapoarte standard, sau, contra cost personalizate).
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