
2018-9-17  PB中后台连接数据库出现 sqlstate 08001[sybase][odbc driver][adaptive server anywhere] unable to start specified datebase. 连接SQL Server ODBC数据源是说连接不. SQL Anywhere Connection Help. RazorSQL ships with the JDBC drivers necessary to connect to Sybase SQL Anywhere databases. There is also an ODBC driver available for SQL Anywhere, and if using Windows, users can connect to SQL Anywhere with RazorSQL using ODBC assuming an ODBC datasource has been configured for SQL Anywhere in the ODBC control panel.

The SQL Anywhere installer makes changes to the Windows Registry to identify and configure the ODBC driver. If you are building an installation program for your end users, you should make the same registry settings.

Dota map 6.78 ai. The simplest way to do this is to use the self-registering capability of the ODBC driver. You use the regsvr32 utility on Windows or the regsvrce utility on Windows Mobile. Note that for 64-bit versions of Windows, you can register both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the ODBC driver. By using the self-registering feature of the ODBC driver, you are ensured that the proper registry entries are created. You should give custom names to your 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver. This facilitates the installation and registration of multiple independent copies of the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver using regsvr32, and prevents your registry settings from being overwritten if another application install registers the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver.

To customize the names of your 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the ODBC driver, open a command prompt and rename them as follows where custom-name is a meaningful string such as your company name: ren '%SQLANY12% bin32 dbodbc12.dll' dbodbc12 custom-name.dll ren '%SQLANY12% bin64 dbodbc12.dll' dbodbc12 custom-name.dll Make sure to preserve the dbodbc12 prefix when renaming the files. To register the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the ODBC driver using the custom names, issue the following commands: regsvr32 '%SQLANY12% bin32 dbodbc12 custom-name.dll' regsvr32 '%SQLANY12% bin64 dbodbc12 custom-name.dll' You can use the regedit utility to inspect the registry entries created by the ODBC driver.

The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver is identified to the system by a set of registry values in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE ODBC ODBCINST.INI SQL Anywhere 12 Sample values for 32-bit Windows are shown below.

In running some tests against a development install of SQL Anywhere 10, I noticed that I couldn't create a new ODBC profile to point at a database that I created using SQL Anywhere 10. If I go into the ODBC control panel, I see the pre-installed QAnywhere 10 Demo, SQL Anywhere 10 CustDB and SQL Anywhere 10 Demo DSN's. I am able to test the connection on each of these and they all work. The driver shows as SQL Anywhere 10 for all of these. However, If I go to add a new DSN to point to my new DB I created, SQL Anywhere 10 is not an option to select from. Anybody else ran into this issue where the driver doesn't show correctly.


I do see Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 through 8.0, some iAnywhere Solutions 8 and 9 drivers for other databases, and finally Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 and Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5. But can't seem to find anything related to SQL Anywhere 10. I am running Windows XP Pro.

I am running build 2781 of SQL Anywhere 10. TIA for any info. Jeff Gibson Intercept Solutions - Sybase SQL Anywhere OEM Partner Nashville, TN.

In running some tests against a development install of SQL Anywhere 10, I noticed that I couldn't create a new ODBC profile to point at a database that I created using SQL Anywhere 10. If I go into the ODBC control panel, I see the pre-installed QAnywhere 10 Demo, SQL Anywhere 10 CustDB and SQL Anywhere 10 Demo DSN's. I am able to test the connection on each of these and they all work. The driver shows as SQL Anywhere 10 for all of these. However, If I go to add a new DSN to point to my new DB I created, SQL Anywhere 10 is not an option to select from.

Anybody else ran into this issue where the driver doesn't show correctly. I do see Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 through 8.0, some iAnywhere Solutions 8 and 9 drivers for other databases, and finally Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 and Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5. But can't seem to find anything related to SQL Anywhere 10. I am running Windows XP Pro. I am running build 2781 of SQL Anywhere 10. TIA for any info. Jeff Gibson Intercept Solutions - Sybase SQL Anywhere OEM Partner Nashville, TN -- Chris Keating Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Professional Version 8 ***************************************************************************** Sign up today for your copy of the SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Developer Edition =and try out the market-leading database for mobile, embedded and small to medium sized business environments for free!