First change your tool to a polystar or something, as it will replace your actual subtool. Then choose the brush, you want to work on. Go to your Tool-menu, where you’ll find under “Geometry” the point “Modify Topology”. Under this, there is button called “MeshFromBrush”. E leitz wetzlar binoculars serial numbers.
The name say it all. Work on the mesh and when you are ready, go to your Brush-menu and click the “Create InsertMesh”. When you click “Save as” in the Brush-Menu, you’ll be able to store it to disk. Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.
You start by using ZBrush’s Insert Mesh Object and NanoMesh Brush to sculpt a repeating pattern and then Nanotile Textures will render out a variety of tileable passes – Normal, AO, Color, Height, Bump etc – which you can then use to texture and displace a model within ZBrush or in your main 3D app.