
The top, sides, back, and neck of the Yamaha FGXB1 acoustic electric guitar are bamboo. Is the same as the FGB1, except it has piezo electric pickups. Since natural bamboo is only available in thin strips, it must be laminated and processed using special technology that has taken years to develop. The type of bamboo Yamaha uses grows from sprout to full guitar-readiness in 3 to 5 years, and thus is a fully replenishable resource (unlike the world’s rapidly dwindling rainforests: the main source of most tonewoods) No image yet Specifications.

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Is your guitar worth 44 cents or 44 thousand? Chances are it's not even worth 44 cents or his signature, but rather a good sign the foundations of your house are about to cave in. Nevertheless, if you like turning a blind eye to reality (and who doesn't), here's how to find out: Visit eBay. Search for your guitar on eBay.