The other major reason patients have pain after rotator cuff surgery is due to stiffness of that shoulder. It is common after rotator cuff surgery to have some stiffness due to the fact that the operation caused the arm to be held without motion for some time. The rotator cuff is the main structure that moves and stabilizes the shoulder. A pop or snapping sound when you move your arm or shoulder. You will still feel drowsy for several hours after the surgery, so you will need to arrange for.
Hi, i just had shoulder surgery to stop my right shoulder from slipping out of the socket which was causing my shoulder to sublux and twist painfully with simply moving into the wrong position. It only happened once a year or so because i guarded it a lot. It always would resituate itself after 20 minutes or so and i never ended up in the e.r. The first time it happened was from a bucking horse. It's happened swimming, falling, reaching, serving a vollyball and even sleeping over the years.
At least 20 times. And i was always careful or it would have been more. I've been lurking and read all the old shoulder surgery posts so i thought i knew what to expect.
The doctor didn't request an mri, just an xray, which showed nothing. I went in for an arthro capsular plication. I came out with a bankart repair for a torn labrum which the doctor did not expect. The tear looked like a ' v ', the gap was larger than the instrument the doc had next to it. Plus he said i have a dent that he did not expect or repair. 2 absorbable anchors and 4 sutures.
Since the sugery almost two weeks ago, i have not had my shoulder out of the sling at all. When i first got home i sat down and tried to pull some pillows under the sling. I lifted my shoulder upwards a bit and while doing that i heard a small 'noise' under the front shoulder dressing. It was right where the front stitches are. Is that normal? I am worried that something broke.
I slept on my side and my arm was completely across my front when i woke up, instead of towards the side like it should have been. Then when the nerve block wore off, my shoulder muscle suddenly started pulling and trying to resituate itself, the way it does when it's out of the socket. It felt different than in the past, but still the same sensation. Is that normal when the nerve block wears off? Muscles to 'pull' like that? I thought if it was in the correct position it shouldn't have to pull itself anywhere.
Two days ago, sitting up, i leaned over towards the right to pull a blanket and i felt my shoulder 'slip' a bit. Again, not in the way it used to, but the sensation of slipping was the same.
I was using my left hand to pull. Is it normal to feel a slipping sensation? I thought i would never feel that slipping feeling again. It was very disheartening to feel that.
Yesterday i thought maybe i need to change the direction i am sleeping in. So instead of laying with my right shoulder propped into the sofa for support, where i could just roll off the edge to get up, i reversed it. That made getting up a strain. When i finally got upright my bad shoulder 'clunked' into place.
Retrieved October 10, 2015. • The Bearer (February 22, 2004).. Yu gi oh pc 2018.
Is it normal for a shoulder to make a clunking sound after surgery? I haven't done any exercises other than squeezing a ball. I've been careful but i have caught myself leaning on my sling more than a few times while at my desk and in the john, and i've opened a stubborn lid this week.
And i pulled my own dressing tape off my back, that took some contorting but it was itching and needed to go. Also someone grabbed my hand and pulled it outwards causing pain. I feel like i can move my shoulder upwards with no pain now. I had gone through 6 months of pt to strenghthen and stop the subluxing before the surgery. It was catching and clicking a lot during pt, especially when lifting any weight. It felt better but still partially subluxed once at the end of the 6 months and constantly felt like it was going to again so i decided it was time for the surgery.