Following are the advantages of polygyny: (1) Polygyny checks sexual immorality because the husband gets adequate satisfaction of his sexual urge in the company of number of wives. (2) It brings economic stability in the family, because both husband and his wives and children earn something for the family. (3) Children are better looked after because a number of women are there to look after them. (4) Polygyny leads to division of labour among the wives in domestic works of the family. Following are the disadvantages of polygyny: (1) The status of women suffers in a society of polygyny. (2) Jealousy, hatred and quarrel among the women are found due to lack of understanding among the wives.

DisadvantagesDownside of non monogamy

(3) The children cannot be brought up with proper care. (4) Polygyny increases the sexual dissatisfaction among the wives. It is because one man cannot give adequate sexual pleasure to a number of wives. As a result of which it leads to adultery. (5) Polygyny increases financial burden on the head of the family. Because it is difficult for a man to maintain a large number of wives and children in a family.

Put simply, polyamory is loving more than one person at a time. Polyamorous people believe that they can have loving, romantic relationships with multiple people, without diminishing the love that any of their partners receive. Farmacognosia da planta ao medicamento download livro. I believe that our western model of lifelong monogamy is not a natural way to be. Marriage, as we practice it in the United States, has a relatively recent history.

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For thousands of years, marriage had very little to do with love and romance and everything to do with property and politics. But this is not a hub about the 'why' of polyamory, it's about the pros and cons of this lifestyle. So without further ado. Having multiple partners means that you don't have to break someone's heart, or have your own heart broken, when that one person you were supposed to grow old with, the love of your life, loses their attraction. A poly lifestyle accepts that one person can't be everything to someone else. It allows you to love, without needing the object of your affection to meet all of your imagined expectations. It's a fact that we see our love interests differently in the early stages of attraction.

The realization that our Prince Charming isn't quite the prince (although he may still be quite charming) can destroy a relationship. An open approach to relationships can encourage you to be real with your partners, and let them be real with you. Multiple partners means that you have a stronger support network. If you get sick and need someone to take care of you, you have multiple people to call, and you don't have to lean on only one person who may have their own problems to deal with. Polyamory doesn't mean 'many sexual partners', it means 'many loves.' It doesn't have to be sexual. But having an open attitude can free you to become deeper friends with people of the opposite sex, something you might be scared to do if you are in a conventional monogamous relationship, because you fear that your friendship might become something deeper and threaten your romantic relationship.

Knowing that someone supports you and loves you no matter what might let encourage you to be more open and receptive to loving and caring for other people. Our society suffers from a 'scarcity' mentality. We think that love can only be a certain way, and there's not much of it to go around. We save ourselves for the perfect person, because we are afraid of squandering our love and our lives on someone who's not perfect. This means we might miss out on many very rewarding relationships.